Aggie Experience, Outside Goddard Hall and the Engineering Complex Clock Tower.
Office Hours with 1:1 Mentoring
Mock Interviews, Resume Reviews!
Location: ECIII (Foreman Hall), Suite 300
Use this link to sign up in advance. Walks-in
welcome; based on availability. Bring your resume!
ExxonMobil Competition,
Prizes and Lunch
“Pipeline: A Marble Run Game”
Location: Jett Hall, CHME Commons, RM 178
Help us plan for lunch: Register using this link.
Virtual Reality Showcase
“Walk the Plank”
“ExxonMobil Houston Campus”
Location: ECIII (Foreman Hall), Suite 300
Large Conference Room
Office Hours & Resume Drop-Off
Location: ECIII (Foreman Hall), Lobby
Hiring for 10 internship & co-op
Apply here:
Artificial Intelligence in Industry
Presentation and Lunch
Location: ECIII (Foreman Hall), RM 220
Speaker: Aravind Mannarswamy,
Data Science Leader, Cummins
Help us plan for lunch. Register here:
Cummins Engine Build LEGO
Competition & Info Session
Location: Jett Hall, CHME Commons, RM 178
Register to participate! Sign up here:
Office Hours: Meet with HR
Representatives & Engineers!
Resume Feedback, Internship Program,
Q&A with Cybersecurity Professionals
Location: EC3 (Foreman Hall), Suite 300
Stop by as your schedule allows.
Cyber Security
Presentation and Lunch
Location: EC2 (Hernandez Hall), RM 106
Speakers: Joseph Maldonado and Fernando Medina
El Paso Electric
Please help us plan for lunch: Use this link to
Bromilow Lecture
Presented by:
Dr. Imelda J. Atencio
Laser Division Chief, AFRL
Location: Jett Hall, Room 259